Fan Request – Lizard Knight Haiku

My best friend and long-time supporter of my personal growth humoured my experiment last month and gave me a themed post request, and here it is. Getting back into poetry after doing reflective writing for so long was fun and refreshing. This writing piece reminds me of the cursed frog knight, Glenn, in the classic…

Haiku III

Of all the things that I post about, the rawest and most uncomfortable is posting my prose and opinions. I’ve got some reviews in the works, but I don’t know what’s holding me back. I will try again soon.

Haiku II

Dragonborn Champion of Skyrim, Dragon Conqueror Fight Boldly My first attempt at Dovah-Zul haiku. Dovah-Zul is the language used by the dragons in Skyrim. Although I would have liked to have written something more profound, working with a different language was enough of a challenge this time. Looking forward to trying again!

Haiku I

For a long time, one of the few things that held me back from sharing my art was the concern it wasn’t artful enough to obtain any interest. Who was I to say that my art held any value in comparison to a Monet or Pollock? An anecdote I fondly remember was of a man…

Rainy Days Are For

Rainy days are for writing and forgetting you’ve put the kettle on They’re for snuggling in bed with overboiled water and movies Movies that you’ve left unwatched for far too long over the summer The summer that tickled your cheeks and kissed your skin, Your skin that is slowly losing its tan, so you live…