Retiring an Old Friend

This week finally brought a long overdue gift to me, a new laptop and thus a new technological companion with which to create both content and memories. But with this newcomer arrives a new conclusion, it is now time to put my old laptop to an easier life. This laptop has seen me through a…

Week 4 – Objective Completed

Hey all, I’m still alive, and furthermore, I have made my first single player game! A simple addition to the retro arcade series I want to develop as I explore the fundamentals of game development. As I learn more about different mechanics and functions used within these games, I still find myself boggled by where else…

Spoiler Game Review – Gumgem

Update Pending: A development log promising an update to the game was released on the day I wrote this review. Gumgem is a free hidden gummy gem on featuring a gummy heroine saving her gummy prince from the wrath of a gummy bear villain. It’s quirky, it’s fun, it’s procedurally generated! An overall impressive game,…

Week 3 – Pew Pew Pew

Continuing from last week’s progress, creating the game controller for asteroid’s next was to program the behaviour of the game objects themselves. Starting with the bullet, it doesn’t do much. The bullet launched into the direction the ship was facing, then dies after a second unless it hits an asteroid. Speaking of asteroids, they one…

Week 2 – New Frontiers

Continuing from last week’s progress (Importing sprites and sounds), I’ve started to code the Game Controller. Not much has changed visually, but looking at a person doesn’t tell you how their guts work after all. I’ve created a Game Controller that performs much more complex tasks like tracking the high-score across games, a life count,…

Week 1 – Objective Sighted

I’ve begun by using this tutorial for guidance. Featured image is not original work. This game follows my space theme but I quickly found out it was more complicated with more objects, scripts and arrays! Thankfully, I can perform some of the actions described in the tutorial much faster due to my previous experience, but…

She Finally Released It!

I’ve been talking all month about my first game, time to put my money where my mouth is: Right here. Following this month, I’ve decided to try to release a new game every month, because I’ve now allowed myself to spend more time developing content and I should be able to take on bigger projects…

Starry night

I borrowed the idea of blurring a pixel art background from an artist I saw on DeviantArt to bring out the foreground objects. Another step closer to releasing that game! I look forward to revisiting this artwork later at a higher resolution for a real desktop background.